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Principal's Message

Sandy CartwrightAlawa Primary School enjoys an excellent reputation in the northern suburbs. It has a tradition of achievement in academic, cultural and sporting activities. Alawa is on a continual journey of school improvement; this journey ensures the academic and intellectual rigour of the learning programs maintain their high standard.

Our school community’s vision facilitates our emergence as a learning organisation within a learning community that responds in innovative ways to the educational needs of all. Children are the starting point and focus for our strategy about the future of the school – what they should know, understand, value and be able to do as a result of the education we provide.

The teaching and learning programs at Alawa are planned to cater for the individual; their needs, learning styles and interests. At Alawa, we put student learning outcomes first and have very high expectations of achievements. We see our role as empowering our students through helping them to gain knowledge – knowledge of facts, skills, processes and attitudes. Knowledge of skills that they will need to acquire if they are truly to be life long learners.

We have a clear focus on lifelong learning outcomes for students, which is underpinned by an environment of positive behaviour support based on clear expectations about behaviour in and around the school: respect, encouragement, personal best and pride.

The school has a ‘no tolerance’ approach towards bullying and harassment in line with the Safe Schools NT Framework. There is an expectation that all staff, parents and students respect the rights of others at all times. We encourage your support in this policy.

It is my belief that you are a critical part of your child’s education at school. You are your child’s first teacher and I encourage you to continue the next part of the learning journey with the school. I believe in an open door policy and encourage you to be curious about what is happening in the school environment. There are many ways you can be involved in the school, including attending and being part of School Council, helping out with the occasional working bee and assisting in many different ways in the classrooms. I would encourage you to get to know your child’s teacher. Feel free to make an appointment to see them or stop by as you drop your child off at school.

I look forward to working with you and your family over the coming year.

Sandy Cartwright

Alawa School Improvement Plan 2024

Alawa School Improvement Plan 2023

Alawa School Improvement Plan 2022   

Alawa School Improvement Plan 2021 

Alawa School Improvement Plan 2020   

Annual Report 2023             Annual Report 2022              Annual Report 2021               Annual Report 2020                                                                                                                     



Alawa Teaching and Learning Model: Reflect, Persist, Problem Solve, be self-aware, use and give feedback, understanding data, student voice, own your learning, common language

Alawa Primary School Improvement Plan 2024-2027



Alawa’s vision is to:

  • Build positive and productive relationships across the school community
  • Model and develop social skills, co-operatively and collaboratively
  • Establish developmental learning groups that have high expectations
  • Use a range of teaching and learning approaches to ensure all students’ needs are catered for
  • Utilise ICT as a learning tool for the 21st century across all learning areas
  • Provide a practical opportunity for students to learn and implement their skills and promote health and science through the Alawa Farm and kitchen garden program

Alawa’s values are:

  • Respect
  • Encouragement
  • Pride
  • Personal Best

These values are integral to the way we work, act and communicate, both as students and staff. Our school aims to cater for the full spectrum of our unique student cohort.

Alawa Primary School is located in the northern suburbs of Darwin. The school caters for children from Preschool (who can start at the beginning of a school year provided they turn 4 by the 30th June) to Year 6. 

Alawa was established in 1970. In 2006, a $2.1 million project opened called Stage 1. Classrooms were designed to enhance our vision of modern, engaging learning spaces. In 2008, we designed a $2 million special purpose Early Years wing to enable us to offer a vibrant play-based learning environment.

Alawa Primary School has built upon its reputation and successfully developed programs to meet the current needs of our diverse students and develop skills for their future. This website is a window into our innovative programs, policies and practices, as well as a celebration of our achievements.

Alawa School Song

School song

Alawa School Song words

School song

Staff and Classes

At Alawa we take pride in having a very high quality, professional team including various specialists.


Staff 2024


Senior Staff

Specialist programs

Class Teachers

Specialist Team

Admin Team

Classroom Support Team

Maintenance Team

Casuarina Education Precinct

Alawa is a member of the Casuarina Education Precinct (CEP).

The 9 schools in the Casuarina Education Precinct work closely together to build a collaborative professional learning community that promotes excellence in public education through the stages of schooling.

Values: Our values guide the decisions and behaviours of all members of our educational community.

Inclusion: Our precinct is built upon an ‘inclusive value system’ and is committed to the learning and development of everyone in our school community.

Excellence: We strive for the highest achievement in all aspects of education, community action, work and life-long learning.

Belonging: We value the development of relationships that build a sense of ownership and belonging to our precinct and to our schools for the enhancement of successful learning.

Pride: We recognise and value the self-esteem and pride resulting from individual and group achievement earned by striving for betterment.

View the Casuarina Education Precinct strategic plan

Our school is a proud member of the Happy School program

Happy School

How It Works

We value our staff and believe that the work we do is important. Staff morale and well-being have a HUGE impact on student achievement, relationships within our school and the successful implementation of change. High stress levels have a negative impact and increase staff absence. A happier staff leads to better results!

As members of the Happy School program each week we receive a ready-to-use one page article to share with staff. The articles provide professional development and practical strategies to improve staff well-being, reduce stress, cope better with change, work effectively with others and engage our students. The articles are written by experts, especially for staff in schools.



  • Speech & OT therapy - Throughout the year we host Speech and Occupational Therapy students, on final placement for 6 - 8 weeks at a time in which students in need have access to intensive therapy. 
  • Nemarluk - Alawa Primary school and Nemarluk work closely together through the sporting schools program with students joining together to take part in team sports. Both schools also share resources and facilities and have a strong partnership through professional collaboration. 
  • CDU - We work closely with the Charles Darwin University and are a teaching school for attendees of the university. 
  • Department of Defence - Alawa Primary School have been successful in gaining funding for a Defence School Mentor [DSM] the primary objective of the DSM is to provide assistance to Defence children and their families. 
  • Power and Water - recipient, 2023 Community Grant. Power and Water and the Alawa School Farm team are working together to implement sustainable solutions and upgrades to the Alawa school farm.